Vicki Simpson - PIO
9/11 5K Color Dash/Walk/Run set for September 9, 2023 Wartburg, Tennessee – The Morgan County Tourism Alliance is sponsoring the 3rd Annual 9/11 5K Color Dash/Walk/Run set for Saturday, September 9, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. in downtown Wartburg by Tanners.
This Color Dash is a community race to honor those lives lost on 9/11 and to show appreciation for the service and sacrifice for our local responders. The Color Dash be 3.1 miles (5K) around the city center. At each lap, participants will get a splash of color tossed on them by our local responders! Registration is $25 for those 18 and Older and $5 for 17 and younger. Included is a white T-shirt. Registration is online:
The proceeds for this Color Dash support our local responders. We encourage you to write on your white T-shirt the name of a responder that is dear to you. For more information about the 9/11 5K Color Dash, visit, Facebook - @MorganCountyTourismAlliance or Instagram – @seemocotn. We are looking forward to seeing you here!
