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A Halloween Story for You!

Writer's picture: MCTAMCTA

by Emeline Bluestocking

The ghosts swarm. They speak as one person. Each loves you.

Each has left something undone … Rae Armantrout

Caves have for many of us, a gloominess that produces jitters. And after all, there is not

so much difference between a cave and a railroad tunnel, especially at night. And with

Halloween approaching, here’s a story for you.

About a hundred years ago, there was a young night watchman at Tunnel 17. It is not

surprising that ghosts should have inhabited the place. The watchman made it a

practice to build a fire near the north end of the tunnel as a means of keeping warm.

One night as he stood by the fire he heard within the tunnel a moaning as of a woman in

distress. He walked toward the sound with his lantern but found nothing. Returning to

the fire he was soon disturbed by the same sound. This continued at intervals

throughout his watch, and each time he would investigate, nothing was to be seen.He

even searched outside the tunnel for the source of the distressing sound. Again the next

night, the same thing happened.

And so it did on succeeding nights thereafter. There was another watchman on the following shift and he denied hearing anything. However, the young watchman states that soon the watchman on the next shift began bringing his gun when he came on watch. That watchman still insisted that he heard none of the mysterious sounds. The ghostly wailing continue during the several weeks while theyoung watchman was on duty at the tunnel. Finding he could neither see nor feel his phantom visitor, he came to accept its presence as a matter of course.

As you’re exploring Morgan County this Fall and enjoying the changing colors of the

leaves on the trees, you may want to check out some of our tunnels. But, be aware of

the voices within.

‘Til Next Time,

Emeline Bluestocking

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