Google my Business
To learn how to maximize your Google My Business exposure, please check on the 2022 Education Workshops below, which will take you to a Word doc and links.
If you were unable to attend (by phone or computer) the first training sessions in 2021, you can catchup by also going to the link below. If you are wondering why you might want to attend, please read Mark Kecks letter below.

It’s crucial for all businesses to manage the information that appears on their Google business profile.
It doesn’t require hours of time or a degree in Digital Marketing, just some insider knowledge on how to claim your listing and update your profile information so that you can be in the top 10% of businesses that are listed with accurate and up-to-date information for your current and future customers.
To learn how to maximize your Google My Business exposure, please read the letter from Mark Keck and click on the box below for information how to register for free upcoming webinars and a group meeting, hosted by the Morgan County Tourism Alliance.
Please contact Brenda Duke at 423-223-9958 for more information or if you have questions.
Morgan County Tourism Alliance
201 Court Street
Wartburg, TN 37887
October 1, 2021
As Chairman of the Morgan County Tourism Alliance, I felt the need to address this all-important issue with not only our tourism partners, but also our business partners as they provide much needed and valuable services to those who visit our great County.
The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development has secured a grant to help Rural Communities with their presentation and best practices through the Google My Business platform. The state has contractually paid for the services provided by Miles Partnership (a strategic marketing company) to assist with capturing, developing and maintaining vital digital marketing information to promote local business.
With guidance from the state and at their request we want to extend this invitation to all of our county businesses. The attached information gives dates, times, information and contact points for this initiative. Unfortunately, we will not be able to conduct group training on October 12 as prior commitments preclude it. However, on October 19 we will be able to host a get together and facilitate the online training and questions seminar scheduled for that day at 10:00 am in the American Legion Hall, 202 South Kingston Street, Wartburg, TN 37887. Please try to arrive no later than 9:45 am. We will have drinks and light snacks available for the seminar. I look forward to greeting each of you at this event
M. H. Keck
Chairman MCTA